Top Habits To Adapt To Become A Great Entrepreneur

The only measure of an entrepreneur that really matters is how much he gets done.

3 min readOct 24, 2020
Image credit: Hunters Race on Unsplash

Why is effectiveness essential for becoming a great entrepreneur? Because, in each and every decision-making process, effectiveness plays a central role. Effectiveness comes down to producing desired results and being creative when uncertainty is present.

The most effective entrepreneurs do not entertain ease or disorganization as a part of their decision-making process. They make sure to be detailed, organized and fully prepared before executing on any goal or plan. Below are are some of the top highly effective habits entrepreneurs practice to stay in the flow of positive movement.

Early Riser

Waking up early is not an option. It’s a necessity. There’s this old saying:

“The early bird gets the worm”

Entrepreneurs simply wake up very early and start their day with a quick physical exercise. It’s a method that allows them to get out of that sleeping mood and get their blood pumping and their mind sharp for the day ahead. Entrepreneurs prefer to be the first into the office before others to work without interruption on the goals they set for themselves the night before.

Getting up early puts them ahead of the game. One step closer to achieving that goal they want so badly. When the environment is stress-free it gives the opportunity to focus and concentrate. Getting in early also frees time up for to be fully present in helping and collaborating with colleagues once they arrive in the office.


Good entrepreneurs never underestimate the power of sleep. Good sleep impacts everything from health to how you feel and look as well as thinking and decision making abilities. Whatever improvement an entrepreneur may seek or want, ensuring a good nights sleep is significant. Just a couple hours more of real quality sleep could provide the edge needed to outperform, and feel a whole lot better in the process.

Many go to bed far earlier than most too. Yet, there are many geniuses who are night people as well. Find what works for you and keep doing your best work.

Money Management

Successful entrepreneurs are very careful with money management. They must be great in this area to balance cash flow and avoid going broke when they are really beginning to realize success. This doesn’t mean being cheap. Nor is throwing away money on losses to scale always the best business model. It’s really about appreciating that every dollar spent is either taking you closer or further from your goals.

And many of today’s top entrepreneurs have a pretty good idea of why managing capital is important. So money management helps a lot if you think smart and patiently.

Focus On The Highest Value Tasks

We all have the same number of hours in the day. The difference is that the most successful founders refuse to work on anything but the most high value tasks. They try to stay connected to their teams, but they know they simply can’t afford to get caught up in low level tasks if they are going to build billion dollar companies. They have to restrict themselves to only the work that delivers the absolute best possible ROI on their time. Everything else is a trap.

Constant Seeking to Fail

If an entrepreneur isn’t failing enough that means he isn’t pushing himself hard enough. If he isn’t ahead of his time, he is behind the times. If he doesn’t keep getting no’s from potential investors then he isn’t asking for enough or from the best investors. If he isn’t sometimes having to apologize to users, then he isn’t pushing the boundaries of what he can do for them enough. And if he is landing all of his shots, he isn’t shooting high enough.

